广东(徐闻县)力鸣农业有限公司位于广东省徐闻县下洋镇(中国良姜之乡原产地--良姜Zui大生产基地),是一家良姜自产自销型生产企业,产量每年高达上千吨;凭借着产地强有力的价格优势、诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可,目前已经出口至多个国家。公司总经理郭力鸣的经营思路是"以农业产业化发展和工业发展为基础,走多元化发展之路。" 现阶段属下有:广州鸣鸿汽车零部件有限公司,热烈欢迎社会各界药商、药企致电或前来广东(徐闻县)力鸣农业有限公司参观考察。联系人:郭力鸣 13430399550
Guangdong LiMing agriculture Limited company is located in Guangdong Province of Xuwen County town(Chinese galangal village origin and the largest production base of galangal),Is a production enterprise galanga produced from the sale。The company quality, reputation absolute guarantee, the lowest price in the field,The annual output of 1000 tons on high, a warm welcome to all sectors of the community pharmacist, pharmaceutical companies to call or come to Guangdong LiMing agriculture Limited company for a visit. .
Guangdong LiMing agriculture Limited company is located in Guangdong Province of Xuwen County town(Chinese galangal village origin and the largest production base of galangal),Is a production enterprise galanga produced from the sale。The company quality, reputation absolute guarantee, the lowest price in the field,The annual output of 1000 tons on high, a warm welcome to all sectors of the community pharmacist, pharmaceutical companies to call or come to Guangdong LiMing agriculture Limited company for a visit. .
- 主要经营产品:
- 良姜;小良姜;汽车零部件;菠萝;香蕉;辣椒;青椒
- 经营范围:
- 农业种植、农畜产品批发、收购(不含粮食、棉花、蚕茧、烟叶、种子、种苗、种禽畜、生猪);货物及技术进出口;食品流通。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
- 营业执照号码:
- 914408255921621098
- 法人代表:
- 郭力鸣
- 成立时间:
- 2012-03-09
- 职员人数:
- 51人
- 注册资本:
- 30 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:湛江 徐闻县徐城东方一路43号(东方邮政支局办公楼四楼403房)
- 邮编:524136
- 电话:13827191412
- 联系人:郭力鸣
- 手机:13430399550
- 传真:86 020 80725590
- QQ:512976327